Using the Workboard Properties Pane

To display the Workboard Properties Pane, switch to Design Mode  and click the Properties  button on the Task Pane toolbar.

Displaying a Properties Section

Properties are organized into several sections. For example, general properties are contained in the Application section and workboard properties are contained in the Workboard section. The properties of each of the workboard components are listed in a separate section. For example, if there are three view components, there will be three corresponding sections ViewComponent1, ViewComponent2 and ViewComponent3.

When you open the pane, it displays the Application properties. To display other properties, click the arrow at the top of the pane and choose the relevant section.

Also, clicking on a component displays the properties section of that component in the Workboard Properties Pane.

Arranging Properties in Alphabetical Order or in Categories

By default, the properties in each section are arranged by categories. You can expand () or collapse () the categories to view or hide the properties you want.

In the following example, the Workboard and Container categories have been collapsed.

You can remove the categorized display in a section and list the properties in alphabetical order, by clicking  on the pane toolbar.

To return to categorized display, click .

Restoring Defaults

After changing properties, you can restore the properties in a section to the default or previous settings by clicking  on the pane toolbar and choosing one of the following options:

Restore Last Applied Properties State

Restores properties to the last applied settings.

Restore Default Properties Values

Restores the properties to the default settings of the application.

Filtering Properties

The Filter box on the pane toolbar can be used to filter the properties in a section according to a keyword. For example, to display only the title properties in the Application section, you can type title in the Filter box.

To clear the search results, delete the text in the Filter box.

Changing Properties

To be able to edit the properties in a section, you need to set the Inherit properties from skin property in that section to No. Otherwise, skin properties will be inherited from the level above, and it will not be possible to make changes.

Skin inheritance works in the following way:

> Application section inherits properties from the default or another selected skin.

> Filters and Workboard sections inherit properties from Application’s skin.

> Component sections inherit properties from Workboard’s skin.

To change a property setting:

1.         Display the relevant property section and locate the property using the options described in Using the Workboard Properties Pane.

2.         Click on the property value and enter or choose the option you want.

For a color setting, click on the color box to open the palette and choose a color.

3.         Click Apply.